Gizzard Harvester MG-150The MG-150 Gizzard Harvester automaticallyseparates the gizzard from viscera pack remnants and removes the inner skin.
Viscera Handling
Edible giblets offer profitable options in many markets.
We offer various solutions for handling giblets. The Nuova eviscerator re-hangs
the drawn viscera pack to a separate viscera pack line for manual, semi or fully
automated giblet harvesting. Suspension of the pack from a shackle with the
intestines hanging downwards and away from the edible giblets prevents contamination
and ensures optimum giblet quality.
Edible giblets are separated from the non edible parts manually, semi-automatically of completely automatically,
depending on the arrangement chosen.
Heart/lung Harvester (HLH)As part of the evisceration process the heart lung harvester separates heart andlungs from the esophagus and gizzard.
Heart/lung Separator (HLS)The HLS-9000 heart/lung separator for broilers and the HLS-T for turkeysautomatically separate the lungs from the heart.
Pack Liver HarvesterThe Pack Liver Harvester, part of a Nuovagiblet harvesting system, removes the liverfrom the viscera pack.
PGI-Nuova intestine/gall-bladderThis component of a Nuova giblet harvestingsystem cuts the intestines from the gizzard and the gall bladder from the liver.
Automatic gizzard processing systemWith a perfect gizzard processing system in place tuned to your production capacity, plant logistics and product requirements, gizzards become a very interesting end product.